23. Resources for Building Successful Relationships
Below are some of my favourite Books, Articles, and Videos related to building successful relationships.
Meet Me In Hard to Love Places, E. Bowers
Your Resonant Self, S. Peyton
Nonviolent Communication, M. Rosenberg
The Body Keeps The Score, B van der Kolk
Mindsight, D Siegel
The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, D. Ford
Soulcraft, B. Plotkin. And Wild Mind, B. Plotkin
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts, G. Maté
Romancing the Shadow, C. Zweig and S. Wolf
The Neuroscience of Human Relationships, L. Cozolino
Hold On To Your Kids, G. Neufeld and G. Maté
The Long Shadow: Bruce Perry On The Lingering Effects Of Childhood Trauma
The Geography Of Sorrow: Francis Weller On Navigating Our Losses
What Ails Us: Gabor Maté Challenges The Way We Think About Chronic Illness, Drug Addiction, And Attention-Deficit Disorder thesunmagazine.org/issues/440/what_ails_us
Gabor Maté has many videos on YouTube that are well worth watching

Getting the Love You Want, H. Hendrix and H. L. Hunt
The Power of Addiction and The Addiction of Power, G. Maté
The Divided Brain, I. McGilchrist
The Secret to Desire in a Long-Term Relationship, E. Perel